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Wheelchair maintenance tips

Wheelchair maintenance tips

Release date:2015-07-16 author: click:

Wheelchair supplier introduces wheelchair maintenance tips

There are many types of wheelchairs, the most common of our general wheelchair, special wheelchair, electric wheelchair, special (sports) wheelchair, scooter.

General wheelchair is generally a chair shape, four wheels, rear wheels larger, plus a hand push the wheel, the brakes are also added to the rear wheel, the front wheel is smaller, used to turn, wheelchair behind the addition of a tilting wheel.

General wheelchair is relatively lightweight, you can fold away.

Applicable to the general situation, or short-term mobility, not suitable for sedentary.

Special wheelchair

As a result of the patient, there are a variety of different accessories, such as strengthening the load, special cushion or back, neck support system, adjustable legs, removable tables and so on.

An electric wheelchair is a wheelchair with an electric motor.

According to the way of operation, useful rocker, but also useful head or suction system, and so on all kinds of switch control.

The most serious paralysis or need a larger moving distance, as long as its cognitive ability is good, the use of electric wheelchair is a good choice, but the need for larger space.

Special use (sports) wheelchair

Specially designed wheelchair used to engage in leisure sports or contests.

Common racing or basketball, dancing is also very common.

In general, lightweight and durable is a feature of many high-tech materials will be used.


Belong to the broad sense of the wheelchair, many elderly people are in use. Roughly divided into three rounds and four wheels to electric motor drive, speed limit of 15km / h, to load capacity classification.

【Wheelchair maintenance】

(1) before and after a month of wheelchair, should check whether the loose bolts, if loose, to tighten in time. Check every three months in normal use to ensure that all parts are in good condition. Check the various nuts on the wheelchair (especially the fixed nuts on the rear axle). If loosened, it is necessary to adjust and tighten.

(2) wheelchair in the course of the case in case of rain should be dry in time, the normal use of the wheelchair should also be wiped with a soft soft cloth, and coated with rust wax, the wheelchair lasting to keep bright and beautiful.

(3) regular inspection activities, the flexibility of the rotating mechanism, and coated with lubricant. If for some reason it is necessary to remove the 24-inch wheel shaft, make sure that the nut is tightened and not loose during reinstallation.

(4) wheelchair car seat connection bolts for loose connection, is strictly prohibited tight. Wheelchairs for the lower body disability or mobility of the elderly, is their second feet, so in the choice, use and maintenance should be very important, and now many people are like this, the wheelchair to buy home, the general will not To check and maintain, in fact, this is the wrong approach.Although the manufacturer can guarantee the quality of the wheelchair is no problem, but can not guarantee that after you have used a period of time no problem, so in order to ensure your safety and the best wheelchair, Need regular inspection and maintenance.

Article URL:http://www.covidtestcourier.com/en/news/220.html

Related labels:Wheelchairsupplier

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