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    Wheelchair knowledge

    Wheelchair knowledge

    Release date:2015-06-25 author: click:

    Wheelchair size

    The wheelchair is composed of large wheels, small wheels, hand wheels, tires, brakes, chairs and other components, because the wheelchair users need different functions, so the size of the wheelchair is not the same, and according to adults and Childhood stature is also divided into children wheelchair and adult wheelchair. Basically, the general width of a conventional wheelchair is 65 cm, the total length is 104 cm, and the height of the seat is 51 cm.

    In the choice of wheelchair is also a very troublesome thing, but in order to use the convenience and safety, choose a suitable wheelchair is necessary in the purchase of a wheelchair is to pay attention to the seat width of the measurement, the best width is the user to sit down The distance between the two hips or between the two shares plus 5cm that sit on both sides after each have a gap of 2.5cm.

    Wheelchair structure

    Ordinary wheelchair is generally composed of wheelchair frame, wheel, brake device and seat by four parts, the following brief description of the main components of the wheelchair function.

    1. The large wheel carries the main weight. Round the diameter of 51,56,61,66 cm several. In addition to the use of a small number of environmental requirements with solid tires, the use of pneumatic tires.

    2. Small wheel diameter of 12,15,18,20 cm several, large diameter wheels easy to cross the small obstacles and special carpets. But the diameter is too large to make the entire wheelchair occupied space, action is not convenient. Normal ferry in front of the big round, but in the lower extremity paralyzed with a wheelchair, often the small wheel after the big round. Operation should pay attention to the direction of the best wheel can be perpendicular to the big wheel, or easy to dump.

    3. Hand wheel rims are unique for wheelchairs, and are generally 5cm smaller than large wheels. Hemiplegia with one hand drive, plus a smaller diameter to choose from. Hand wheel rims are generally driven directly by the patient.

    4. Tires are solid, with inflatable inner tube and no tubing inflatable three. Solid type in the ground to go faster and not easy to blasting, easy to push, but in the uneven road vibration, and with the trough with the tire width is not easy to pull out; inflatable inner tube more difficult to push, but also easy to puncture, but Vibration is smaller than the solid; no tubing inflatable type because no tubeless puncture, and the internal also inflatable, sit up comfortable, but harder than the solid push.

    5. Brake wheel should have a brake every round, of course, like hemiplegia can only use one hand, had to use one hand brakes, but can be installed extension rod, manipulation of both sides of the brakes. There are two kinds of brakes: (1) notch brakes. This brake is safe and reliable, but more laborious. Adjusted on the slope can also be stopped, if transferred to a level in the ground can not stop for the failure. (2) toggle brakes. The use of lever principle, through several joints and then brake, the mechanical advantages than the concave brake strong, but the failure faster. In order to increase the patient's braking force, often in the brakes to extend the pole, but the rod easy to damage, if not often check will affect the safety.

    6. The seat height, depth and width depends on the patient's body, the material texture also depends on the disease. Generally deep 41,43 cm, width 40,46 cm, height 45,50 cm.

    7. cushion to avoid pressure sores, cushion is an indispensable element, the choice of the mat should also be a high degree of attention.

    8. Foot and leg care can be crossed on both sides of the type, or both sides of the separate, both of which are able to use to swing to the side and can be removed for the best. Must pay attention to the height of the foot. Foot care is too high, then the hip hip angle is too large, more weight added to the calcaneal tubercle, easy to cause the Department of pressure sores.

    9. backrest back with high and can be tilted and can not tilt the points. Such as the balance of the trunk of the patient and better control, can choose a low-back wheelchair, so that patients have a greater degree of activity. On the contrary, to use high-back wheelchair.

    10. armrest or arm support generally higher than the seat surface 22.5 ~ 25cm, some arm can adjust the height. But also in the arm on the shelf shelves, for reading, dining.

    Wheelchair use range and characteristics

    There are many types of wheelchairs on the market, according to the material can be divided into aluminum alloy, light materials and steel, such as by type can be divided into ordinary wheelchair and special wheelchair. Special wheelchair can be divided into: leisure sports wheelchair series, , Seat wheelchair series, help stop wheelchair series.

    Ordinary wheelchair: mainly by the wheelchair, wheel, brake and other devices.

    Scope: lower limb disability, hemiplegia, thoracic paraplegia and inconvenient elderly people.

    Features: The patient can operate a fixed handrail or detachable handrail, a fixed foot pedal or a removable foot pedal, which can be folded when placed or unwanted.

    According to the model and price is divided into: hard seat, soft seat, pneumatic tires or solid tires.

    Special type wheelchair: more complete function, not only the disabled and the mobility of human action tools, but also with other work.

    High back and forth can be lying in a wheelchair: suitable for high paraplegia and frail sick people use.

    Electric wheelchair: for people with high paraplegia or hemiplegia, but with one hand control.

    Toilet wheel: for those who can not enter the toilet limb disabled and the elderly use. It is divided into small wheeled toilet chairs and wheelchairs with buckets, which can be selected according to the use of the occasion.

    Sports wheelchair: for disabled people to use sports activities, the ball and racing two categories. Design special, the use of materials generally use aluminum or light materials, strong and lightweight.

    A wheelchair is a station, sitting in a wheelchair, for paralysis or cerebral palsy patients standing training. The (China Wheelchair Network)

    Wheelchair selection

    There are many types of wheelchairs, our most common are generally wheelchairs, special wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, special use (sports) wheelchair, scooter.

    General wheelchair

    General wheelchair is generally a chair shape, four wheels, rear wheels larger, plus a hand push the wheel, the brakes are also added to the rear wheel, the front wheel is smaller, used to turn, wheelchair behind the addition of a tilting wheel.

    General wheelchair is relatively light, you can fold away.

    Applicable to the general situation, or short-term mobility, not suitable for sedentary.

    Special wheelchair

    There are a number of different accessories, such as strengthening the load, special cushion or backrest, neck support system, leg adjustable, removable table ... ... and so on.

    electric wheelchair

    It is a wheelchair with an electric motor.

    According to the way of operation, useful rocker, but also useful head or suction system, and so on all kinds of switch control.

    The most serious paralysis or need a larger moving distance, as long as its cognitive ability is good, the use of electric wheelchair is a good choice, but the need for larger space.

    Special use (sports) wheelchair

    Specially designed wheelchair used to engage in leisure sports or contests.

    Common racing or basketball, dancing is also very common.

    In general, lightweight and durable is a feature of many high-tech materials will be used.


    Belong to the broad sense of the wheelchair, many elderly people are in use. Roughly divided into three rounds and four wheels to electric motor drive, speed limit of 15km / h, to load capacity classification.

    Wheelchair maintenance

    (1) before and after a month of wheelchair, should check whether the loose bolts, if loose, to tighten in time. Check every three months in normal use to ensure that all parts are in good condition. Check the various nuts on the wheelchair (especially the fixed nuts on the rear axle). If loosened, it is necessary to adjust and tighten.

    (2) wheelchair in the course of the case in case of rain should be dry in time, the normal use of the wheelchair should also be wiped with a soft soft cloth, and coated with rust wax, the wheelchair lasting to keep bright and beautiful.

    (3) regular inspection activities, the flexibility of the rotating mechanism, and coated with lubricant. If for some reason it is necessary to remove the 24-inch wheel shaft, make sure that the nut is tightened and not loose during reinstallation.

    (4) wheelchair car seat connection bolts for loose connection, is strictly prohibited tight.

    Wheelchairs for the lower body disability or mobility of the elderly, is their second feet, so in the choice, use and maintenance should be very important, and now many people are like this, the wheelchair to buy home, the general will not To check and maintenance, in fact, this is the wrong approach. Although the manufacturer can guarantee the quality of the wheelchair is no problem, but can not guarantee that you have used a period of time after no problem, so in order to ensure your safety and the best state of wheelchair, wheelchair suppliers recommend wheelchairs to be regularly checked and maintained.

    Article URL:http://www.covidtestcourier.com/en/news/203.html

    Related labels:Wheelchairsupplier

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